
See what people are saying about Made in  America 2.0:

A quick read with big implications…

I enjoyed this insightful look at what has happened to manufacturing in America as well as the many prescriptions it offers to bring back the best jobs the country should have never lost. This is a must read for politicians, students, teachers…everyone interested in a better future for America.

By Stanpec on December 7, 2013

An Industrial Manifesto for America

Author John Warren offers no-nonsense, plain spoken advice on how to save American’s once mighty manufacturing industry from extinction at the hands of predatory importers. Every chapter defines a specific problem, and offers a blue print for making Made In America not only the world’s hallmark for quality, but the answer to restoring our financial strength, military dominance, and moral leadership. Buy it now! And send copies to your senators, congresspeople, and all the talking heads in the media.

By Walter H. Kuenstler on December 2, 2013

A good read for every American

A densely packed book with much food for thought. Written by a man with a lifetime of manufacturing, retail, and finance experience, the ideas proffered are worthy of the attention of both the average citizen wishing for a more prosperous America and the men and women who govern on local as well as national levels. A grassroots philosophy of buying American made goods and insisting that US corporations respect that wish is at the heart of the book, which, along with other actions suggested by the author, would thereby create a “Rollover Effect” of wealth within the US. Not sure what the “Rollover Effect” is? It’s a simple concept with great impact. Having had ECON 101 ages ago, and been a small business owner myself, I understand the validity of Mr. Warren’s point. Read the book and learn – it would be a great thing to see our GDP grow again, create more American jobs, and be able to buy quality American made goods for our families.

By Patricia Moses on November 22, 2013


Made in America 2.0 is an insightful view by author J. Henry Warren how we can expand manufacturing productivity, and improve employment within our borders. As President of five companies he provides his wisdom as one who’s responsible for employment, payrolls and the realities required for generating profit. Mr. Warren proposes ten sensible approaches to reverse the decline in manufacturing jobs in our sagging economy. He offers concrete ways to resuscitate the Goose that laid the golden egg to struggling Americans seeking long term employment and a better life in today’s America. I found his book both discerning and encouraging. I think you will too.

By AB Sodaitis on October 3, 2013

Important Information for all Americans

America’s manufacturing economy has shrunk, but it’s alive and can be rebuilt to be strong and robust again by drawing on some time-tested techniques and forward-looking ideas. In Made In America, author J. Henry Warren brings together ten ideas from the past, other cultures, and some of the best and brightest thought leaders. Each chapter focuses on a particular idea or expert, and topics include Germany’s apprenticeship programs and how to implement them in America; using tax policy to stimulate the make-it-here movement; how to remake our educational system to rebuild a workforce with more diverse skills; and how public-private partnerships are changing the way we live and do business. Like other big-idea books such as The Tipping Point, Nudge, and The World is Flat, this is a book every candidate in the 2014 election will want to have in his or her arsenal of great ideas for remaking America into a global industrial leader.

By Hank on September 26, 2013

See what people are saying about Storm Keeper:

Posted by: Judy S., Publicist
Here’s the review of STORM KEEPER. It won’t be posted on the main Mystery page on the site until approx. 8/15/2001, but you’re free to use it for promotion now. If you decide to quote from it, please link it back to us. Scribes World Reviews, ( I’ll send an email out when
the review is available for viewing on the ScribesWorld site.

***** 5 Stars *****

STORM KEEPER By: J. Henry Warren 2000 0-7388-1324-9

Jake Turner is a tad nonplussed to discover his business bank account is down to zero. “If he’s stolen from me again, I’ll kill him.” This Philly ‘merger and acquisition’ man has been hard at work putting his personal and his professional life back together. Following Jake’s divorce as well as the failure of his Wall Street career, Jake thought everything was at last beginning to come together. Due to a new alliance, he is again making money,
more than he thought he might, and he has an odd but deliciously wealthy client. Things are looking up, Jake has not only gotten both his house and airplane back but his bank account has been filled with lots of money. Now
Jake’s partnership account is down to zero and Jake means to find out why. His search begins in Philadelphia, but ends up on the North Carolina coastal island of Ocracoke. Jake soon finds himself battling both the peculiarities
inherent to violence and greed along with a Hurricane tracking straight for him.

In STORM KEEPER J. Henry Warren has produced a riveting work filled with complicity, adventure, conflict, treachery and greed. This first novel page-turner will hold your interest from the opening lines right down to the
last paragraph. STORM KEEPER is a novel filled with powerful, well-developed characters, absorbing plot twists that keep you breathless and clever, and credible dialogue. Writer Warren’s Jake Turner character is a delight. Take
a little of Steven King’s taut fear producing writing in tandem with Erle Stanley Gardner artifice and you will have an idea of the treat in store for you on the pages of STORM KEEPER. Those of us who particularly enjoy
thrillers can only hope writer Warren is hard at work on another Jake Turner mystery/thriller for us. Delightful work, highly recommended.

Reviewed by: Molly Martin 7/30/2001

REVIEW: STORM KEEPER October 12, 2001
J. Henry Warren
Xlibris Corporation 2001
Newcomer J. Henry Warren takes the reader into a maelstrom of duplicity, greed, danger and betrayals in STORM KEEPER. This debut suspense mystery thriller was read and considered for the prestigious Edgar Award, Best First Novel by an American Author. Jake Turner and Erich Bickford have formed a consulting partnership in mergers and acquisitions. Erich handles the technical, financial and bankruptcy takeover end of the business, and Jake’s expertise is in meetings and mergers, and presenting options to bankruptcy with bank representatives, creditors and potential buyers. The partnership is working on their largest account to date, a buyout between the Reicherz organization and the DiSalini group that owns an Atlantic City casino and several rather shady loan companies. All parties involved use the same accountant, a sticky fingered book cooker named Jimmy Sprigg. Jake is finally getting his life in order after his wife Jacqueline took him for all he was worth three years ago. He finally has gotten his house and airplane back, has some money in the bank and, after waiting fifteen years, the opportunity to at last declare himself to the love of his life, Kristina Reicherz. Jake is soon involved in a deadly game against players who are driven by greed, and leave no witnesses alive. J. Henry Warren’s STORM KEEPER is a novel as turbulent as the hurricane interwoven in the plot. The characterization and narrative is exceptional, and the story moves along at an exhilarating pace taking the reader from Philadelphia to the outer banks of North Carolina and then to the Caribbean in a relentless search for truth and justice. STORM KEEPER is Mr. Warren’s first book, but it surely won’t be the last.

Betty Cox
Member Reviewers International Organization (RIO)

REVIEW ”Brilliant Thriller!”
August 14, 2001
Reviewer: Donna Dvorak, Chalfont, PA
STORM KEEPER is a stunning page-turner loaded with suspense and laced with unforgettable characters. J. Henry Warren has spun a brilliant thriller filled with dynamic characters that sweep you through a whirlwind ride of fast-paced action. Jake Turner, the main protagonist, is as unlucky in love as he is with his business associates. His tumultuous life is drenched in deception and intrigue, yet he manages to ride the storms. His ability to work hard never over-rides his passion for women. His farewell to Kristina was filled with sensitivity that left me in tears. You’ll laugh and cry as he encounters many unexpected twists and plots. Jake is just one of many characters who grabs your attention and keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole book. I’m anxiously awaiting the author’s next novel, “Until Shore”. This text refers to J. Henry Warren’s Hardcover Edition.

Donna Dvorak – International Journalist, Columnist, Poet and Author of Chelten Manor, Singular Sensation and Friendly Sins.

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